I hereby demand . . .

The rest of the title goes; “I hereby demand, and will do so officially tomorrow, that the Department of Justice look into whether or not the FBI/DOJ infiltrated or surveilled the Trump Campaign for Political Purposes — and if any such demands or requests were made by people within the Obama Administration!”  This was the tweet from the President of the United States on May 20th, 2018 at 1:37 pm.
Rod Rosenstein swear in. – By Matthew T. Nichols for the Department of Justice [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

When I saw this, I had a sick feeling like I was going to throw up.  I went immediately to Google News to see if anyone else had seen and realized what this meant.  There was nothing.  I realized that Trump might really get away with it.  When I saw the next day that Rod Rosenstein and Christopher Wray had caved to the White House and were actually going to do as Trump demanded, I almost lost all hope.  For the first time, I truly believed the 242 year experiment we call democracy might fail.  As well written as the Constitution was when the balance of the three branches of government no longer keep each other in check, democracy fails.  “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” was credited to Edmund Burke.  In writing the first known version is actually by Plato, which states, “The penalty good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men.”  So this fact has been known for thousands of years since Plato was born in 428 BC.

Before I wander off on some tangent, let me discuss the events of the recent past.   A year in there are more key position vacancies in the Trump administration than are filled.  Of the top 630 jobs, Trump has not even nominated anyone for 240 of them.  At the very top, there has been more turnover than any president in the history of this country.  The most recent changes have been to replace moderate people with “hawks”.  The National Security Advisor is replaced with Michael Bolton, the architect of the first invasion of Iraq, based on the weapons of mass destruction.  Which we now know was an outright lie.  After Trump withdraws from the Iran nuclear treaty that every major ally sends someone to convince him otherwise.  One of the first things that the newly minted Secretary of State does is set forth demands for Iran that are so restrictive, that there is no way they will agree to them.  The obvious thing to be implied is their refusal to abide by these new arbitrary rules is so that there is a justification for another armed conflict.

Christopher A. Wray takes oath to lead FBI. – By Matthew T. Nichols for the Department of Justice [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

The scary thing beyond all that I have pointed out above, is that if Trump pulls off any type of pullback from North Korea, the majority of Americans might turn the other way. His obvious money grabs like saving thousands of ZTE jobs in China after they invest 500 million dollars to a Trump linked project in Indonesia.  The biggest money grab in money history is, of course, his tax reform bill that rewarded the bulk of savings to the top 1% of the richest people in America.  Trump is redistributing the wealth much in the same way that brought about the Great Depression.  Big business paid the workers so little they became indentured.  It wasn’t until the workers formed unions to collectively bargain for better wages and benefits.  Yesterday the Supreme Court struck down the law that allowed workers to collectively bargain for better wages, benefits and working conditions.  Most individuals don’t have the money or resources to even start legal proceedings against their employer, much less maintain it.  Over half of Americans live from paycheck to paycheck. All of the campaign rhetoric about being for the average American worker, and winning so much that you’ll be tired of winning.  Is nothing but slogans to get votes.  When will they see that they were sold a bill of goods?  When will Congress and the Senate stand up to Trump?  Only the people voting the Republicans out of power might a change come.  Will Mueller’s investigation get so discredited that even a litany of crimes would be ignored.

I still have a glimmer of hope.  But it seems like a long shot at best.